Structurality of university management in the context of reforming the educational system


  • Oleg I. Basherov Russian University of Transport; Moscow International University
  • Tatiana A. Pavlishak Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Ekaterina V. Korobova Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Elena V. Syrykh Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great



university, foreign language, teaching, methods, research


In modern conditions, knowledge of foreign languages is a means of achieving success, that is, further professional self realization of students. To achieve a high level of proficiency in foreign languages, students need comprehensive training. To do this, teachers should study and generalize the teaching methods already available, as well as be informed about modern methods and technologies in order to determine the most effective teaching methods. The relevance of the article is precisely due to the need to master the knowledge of such methods and the ability to apply them in practice. The article uses historical and comparative methods, which make it possible to comprehensively consider the history of methods of teaching foreign languages, and also analyzes the experience of teaching a foreign language in modern universities. The historical method allows us to show the process of developing a methodology for teaching foreign languages in a clear chronological sequence. Modern methods of teaching a foreign language, like any other science, are in constant development and creative search. The historical method is dynamic and relatively easy to understand. The comparative method allows us to study the similarities and differences in the teaching of foreign languages. Each method has objective value under certain circumstances.


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How to Cite

Башеров ОИ, Павлишак ТА, Коробова ЕВ, Сырых ЕВ. Structurality of university management in the context of reforming the educational system. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.25 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(10):131-9. Available from:

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