The main problems of supporting the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of the university


  • Oleg I. Basherov Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art); Moscow International University
  • Olga M. Golosova Russian University of Transport
  • Kira V. Trostina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Lyubov I. Tsikolenko Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky



international students, adaptation, socio-cultural environment, internationalization of education, language barrier, cultural shock, educational systems, social contacts, adaptation programs


The article examines the main problems that arise in the process of adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of Russian universities. The relevance of the research is due to the increasing internationalization of higher education and the need to create favorable conditions for the successful integration of foreign students into a new educational and cultural environment. The purpose of the work is to identify the key factors hindering the effective adaptation of international students and to develop recommendations for overcoming them. The research materials and methods include an analysis of the scientific literature on the problems of adaptation of foreign students, as well as empirical data obtained during the survey and interviewing of 150 foreign students from 20 countries studying at 5 Russian universities. Methods of statistical analysis, content analysis and thematic coding were used to process the results. The results of the study show that the main problems faced by foreign students in the process of adaptation are the language barrier (87% of respondents noted), differences in educational systems (75%), difficulties in establishing social contacts with local students (68%), cultural shock (62%) and everyday difficulties (58%). It was revealed that students from Asian and African countries experience more serious adaptation difficulties compared to representatives of European countries. It has been established that the availability of special adaptation programs and activities at the university helps to reduce the stress level of foreign students by 30-40%. Recommendations are proposed to improve the system of support for the adaptation of foreign students, including the organization of language courses, cross-cultural trainings, academic and social support programs, as well as the involvement of Russian students in the process of integration of foreign students. The results of the study can be used to develop effective strategies for the adaptation of foreign students in Russian universities.


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How to Cite

Башеров ОИ, Голосова ОМ, Тростина КВ, Циколенко ЛИ. The main problems of supporting the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of the university. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(2-1):12-20. Available from:




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