Training of mediators in a multicultural educational space: the experience of the Siberian Federal University


  • Olga G. Smolyaninova Siberian Federal University
  • Ekaterina A. Alekseeva Siberian Federal University



multicultural mediation, conflicts, education, training, undergraduates


The article presents the experience of formation and development of mediation competence in the conditions of multicultural educational space of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of the Siberian Federal University. The relevance of the topic is due to the increase in intercultural conflicts and the scarcity of scientific research, educational programs that form and develop the skills of intercultural communication, prevention and resolution of multicultural educational conflicts. In this regard, the practice of training mediators for educational activities, including disciplines on mediation and multicultural mediation in education with a practice-oriented orientation, is presented. This article examines the experience of training mediators in a multicultural educational space on the example of the Siberian Federal University. The authors investigate the peculiarities of the training of mediators in a multicultural environment, and also consider the practical aspects of the inclusion of a multicultural component in the educational process. The experience of organizing mediation courses is described, including the content of the courses and the methods used. In addition, the article analyzes the results of the mediation training program, including the level of professional competence and readiness to work in a multicultural environment.


Multicultural mediation practices in Europe (on the example of Italy, Portugal, Germany) : studies. manual / O.G. Smolyaninova. – Krasnoyarsk : Sib. feder. un-t, 2019. – 188 p.

Magistracy // Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology nd Sociology [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Smolyaninova, O.G., Alekseeva, E.A. EOC «Multicultural mediation: theory, practice, experience» / O.G. Smolyaninova, E.A. Alekseeva [Electronic resource] // e-Kурсы.

Smolyaninova, O.G., Alekseeva, E.A. Electronic educational course «Intercultural mediation: theory, practice, experience» / O.G. Smolyaninova, E.A. Alekseeva [Электронный ресурс] // е-Сибирь – Siberian RCCO online learning platform. redirect=true&cid=12556140.



How to Cite

Смолянинов ОГ, Алексеева ЕА. Training of mediators in a multicultural educational space: the experience of the Siberian Federal University. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(3):96-103. Available from: