Formation of professional competence of students in the process of learning English in a professional direction


  • Oksana L. Mokhova Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian University of Transport"
  • Ekaterina V. Korobova Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics"
  • Tatiana A. Pavlishak Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University for the Humanities"
  • Elena V. Syrykh Federal State State-Owned Military Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation



formation, professional competence, students, english


A modern specialist is a product of self–creation, a person's subjective desire to learn, independent acquisition of knowledge, conscious orientation to self control, self-development and activity in all spheres. All this is the result of the student's academic competence acquired during his studies at a higher educational institution, because it is there that his abilities and learning ability manifest themselves. One of the components of the academic competence of students of non-speech specialties is the knowledge of foreign languages, which allows the student to work with various educational and scientific sources, reference books, professional information, etc.; conduct business correspondence, work effectively with a computer, find information on the Internet, libraries of foreign universities, databases of scientific papers, communicate with colleagues fromabroad, to gain new knowledge through knowledge of a foreign language and the like. Knowledge of foreign languages plays a significant role in the formation of professional competence of graduates of non speech specialties. However, it should be borne in mind that professional competence is not a permanent value: it is constantly changing under the influence of external factors, scientific and technological progress, etc. There is no established list of competencies, since each profession has a unique set of abilities inherent only to it, without mastering which the process of adaptation and subsequent professional performance of their duties can cause significant problems. Despite a large number of scientific papers on theoretical and practical aspects of the diagnosis of foreign language professional competence of students in the process of learning English in a professional direction, some important aspects remain unresolved, namely: the definition of the concept of "foreign language professional competence" remains controversial.


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How to Cite

Мохова ОЛ, Коробова ЕВ, Павлишак ТА, Сырых ЕВ. Formation of professional competence of students in the process of learning English in a professional direction. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(1):178-86. Available from:

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