Analysis of international approaches to assessing the functional literacy of students


  • Marina A. Khudyakova Perm State University of Humanities and Pedagogy
  • Irina N. Vlasova Perm State University of Humanities and Pedagogy



functional literacy, analysis, PISA, TIMSS, general education, international programs, training


The formation of the information society involves a fundamental transformation of the education system. Mass education should form updated competencies, which include not only such qualities as mobility and creativity, but also modern communication skills, skills to work with large amounts of information, assessment and planning actions. This exacerbates the issue of the quality of education. In Russia, the problem of improving the quality of education has been repeatedly raised in scientific publications and program documents. One of the tasks formulated in the 2020 Federal Report on the State and Prospects of Education in Russia was to ensure the integration of Russian education into the world space. However, the issue of the quality of education in the course of the implementation of this direction remains relevant, including at the level of the introduction of modernized learning technologies. The results of the international study of the quality of education PISA (Programme for International Student Assessme) confirmed this conclusion. Now in Russia, the results and analysis of the materials of this international survey attract the close attention of scientists and specialists, as they contain extensive information potential for formulating important proposals. However, an in-depth analysis of the results of PISA, which would have political implications for the development of education, has yet to be carried out. The purpose of the article is to assess the educational achievements of students based on the results of participation in the international program PISA-2020 and to determine the directions and institutional mechanisms for reforming the Russian school, which will help to realize the world priorities in the educational sphere.


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How to Cite

Худякова МА, Власова ИН. Analysis of international approaches to assessing the functional literacy of students. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(3):216-25. Available from: