Investment in education: the experience of the Russian Federation


  • Zina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University



Education, investment, development, management


By investment in education, we mean financial, property, intellectual and other resources that contribute to the development of education and increase its competitiveness, and therefore the competitiveness of our state. Having analyzed the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget", we can conclude that the mechanism of investment support for higher education in the Russian Federation is still poorly developed, which is manifested in the virtually complete dependence of universities on state funding, the volume of which is very limited, especially in the conditions of the post-covid crisis. In the context of a decrease in the amount of budget funds in ensuring the activities of higher education, it is of particular importance to constantly stimulate private investment and search for additional sources of financing. The funds of individual legal entities and individuals can be a significant additional source of development of higher educational institutions, while simultaneously influencing economic operations in general in the form of increasing the level of education in the country and generating other positive external effects. But with a fixed tuition fee for individual individuals at universities, the quality, variability and innovation of educational services is determined not by constant investment injections, but by the existing administrative management, its strategy and tactics of activity and the specifics of the functioning of this institution as a whole.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ЗА. Investment in education: the experience of the Russian Federation. УО [Internet]. 2021Sep.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):234-41. Available from:

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