Formation of readiness for online mediation: results of a survey of teachers of the magistracy of the Siberian Federal University


  • Olga G. Smolyaninova Siberian Federal University
  • Ekaterina A. Alekseeva Siberian Federal University



online mediation, formation of readiness, educational psychologists, master's degree


The authors consider the features of the formation of readiness for online mediation through the integration of digital and mediation competencies, structurally represented by motivational-value, cognitive, activity-operational, reflexive-personal and evaluative-productive elements. The researchers pay special attention to the issue of methods and methods of formation of readiness for online mediation in the educational process of the university. The conclusions and recommendations of the authors are based on the results of a survey conducted among teachers of the Master's degree in psychology and pedagogical direction of the Siberian Federal University. This article is based on the results of a survey of teachers of the magistracy of the Siberian Federal University in order to identify the features of the formation of readiness for online mediation. The paper presents data on the main components of readiness, such as psychological, professional and technical readiness. The features of the formation of readiness for online mediation in the context of modern requirements of education and professional activity are also discussed. The results obtained can be useful for developing effective methods of preparing future mediators to work in an online format.


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How to Cite

Смолянинова ОГ, Алексеева ЕА. Formation of readiness for online mediation: results of a survey of teachers of the magistracy of the Siberian Federal University. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(3):110-5. Available from:

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