For the purity of mathematical language


  • Alexander P. Tonkikh Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky



russian language, mathematics, mathematical language, alphabet, purity of language, mass media, advertising


Mathematical language is considered one of the most accurate and rigorous. Its peculiarity is that each symbol and sign has its own unique meaning and meaning, which allows you to accurately and clearly express mathematical facts and formulate conclusions. Clogging the language of mathematics can hinder the correct understanding of mathematical concepts and increase the likelihood of errors and misunderstandings in various spheres of human activity. In this regard, when using mathematical language, it is necessary to monitor its purity, not allowing any liberties. The article deals with the problems of clogging the language of mathematics, which appear like a snowball "thanks" to some mass media, advertising producers, officials, cultural workers, teachers and teachers (including teachers and teachers of mathematics), schoolchildren, students, etc. The most common errors encountered in mathematical speech not only in everyday life, but also on Internet sites, in textbooks and teaching aids in mathematics are analyzed: the wrong name of decimals; the wrong name of digits and numbers; incorrect name of letters used in mathematics; incorrect name of mathematical terms; incorrect design of mathematical texts; incorrect name of mathematical concepts and sections of mathematics, etc. The article draws parallels with similar problems of the modern Russian language.


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How to Cite

Tonkikh AP. For the purity of mathematical language. УО [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];13(1):60-8. Available from:

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