Conceptual foundations for the formation of functional mathematical literacy of younger students


  • Marina A. Khudyakova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • Irina N. Vlasova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • Larisa V. Selkina Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University



functional mathematical literacy, conceptual foundations, task typology, tasks with a meta-subject component


The article defines the conceptual foundations for the formation of functional mathematical literacy of younger schoolchildren: meta-subject coordination and interdisciplinary integration. Meta-subject coordination implies the coordination and appropriate correlation of meta-subject skills and universal actions of students used in "life" situations. The key meta-subject skills include the ability to work with information, communication skills in relation to practical, life situations and tasks, groups of regulative skills of students that are important for the formation of functional mathematical literacy have been identified: planning, self-control and self-assessment, the choice of effective methods of action. Interdisciplinary integration is based on the use of interdisciplinary connections and interdisciplinary content of elementary school academic disciplines, which contributes to the systematic assimilation of the fundamentals of science, enriches students with the ability to use cognitive methods of a general scientific nature. A typology of tasks is presented (tasks for knowledge, application, reasoning under conditions of certainty and reasoning under conditions of uncertainty), the possibilities of tasks with a metasubject component in the formation of functional mathematical literacy of students are shown, examples of tasks are given. The study of the conceptual foundations was carried out using research methods: analysis of scientific literature, comparative analysis, observation, induction, interpretation, testing, mathematical statistics. The study made it possible to identify the conceptual foundations for the formation of functional mathematical literacy of younger schoolchildren and draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of using tasks with a meta-subject component.


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How to Cite

Худякова МА, Власова ИН, Селькина ЛВ. Conceptual foundations for the formation of functional mathematical literacy of younger students. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(3):141-53. Available from: