Using tests in teaching grammar skills the first-year students of the faculty of foreign languages


  • Malika Ya. Elzhurkaeva Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Ramzan V. Gadaev Kadyrov Chechen State University



specific forms of the verb, modal verbs, test tasks, typology of exercises, methods and techniques of using test tasks


The article considers the problem of methodological support for teaching practical English grammar in the 1st year of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, raises the question of the use of test tasks in the classroom for educational purposes. Test tasks are considered as a type of exercise, the performance of which is controlled directly by the teacher in the classroom, while students explain the features of the use of grammatical structures. The methodology of the organization of students' educational activities in the classroom on practical grammar, methods and techniques of applying test tasks are considered. This article explores the use of test tasks in teaching grammar skills to first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The authors describe a methodology based on the use of tests for the active consolidation and practice of grammatical rules and structures. The article presents the results of an experiment conducted on a group of students, where they were subjected to the systematic use of test tasks. The results show a significant improvement in the participants' grammatical skills.


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How to Cite

Эльжуркаева МЯ, Гадаев РВ. Using tests in teaching grammar skills the first-year students of the faculty of foreign languages. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(6):10-4. Available from:

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