Creating english communicative situations by means of video materials


  • Marina U. Zubayraeva Chechen State University Pedagogical University
  • Rustam Sh. Abdullakhitov Kadyrov Chechen State University



communicative situation, audiovisual aids, video clip, feature film


The article is devoted to the formation of communicative situations in English classes using video materials. The authors identify such audiovisual aids as TV news, interviews, feature films, animated films and offer a set of tasks for each type of video. The methods of creating communicative situations by means of video materials proposed by the authors are different, but they all simulate natural communication and stimulate students to perform motivated exercises aimed at developing communication skills. This article discusses the use of video materials to create communicative situations in English classes. The authors describe the experience of using video materials such as films and short films as a tool to increase students' motivation to study, as well as to develop communication skills in English. The article provides examples of lessons in which video materials were used, as well as analyzes the results of using this method in the educational process. The study showed the effectiveness of this approach in the formation of students' communicative competence at the primary and secondary levels of language proficiency.


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How to Cite

Зубайраева МУ, Абдуллахитов РШ. Creating english communicative situations by means of video materials. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):39-44. Available from:

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