Control of the level of formation of foreign language competence of students of higher educational institutions


  • Oksana L. Mokhova Российский университет транспорта
  • Oleg I. Basherov Moscow International University, A.N. Kosygin Russian State University
  • Olga A. Sannikova Moscow International University
  • Valentina Yu. Tereshina Moscow International University



future professionals, non-linguistic university, English, foreign Ministry universities, development


The problem of training university students in the MFA system is multidimensional and multidimensional, as evidenced by the intensification of scientific research in the formation of a new generation of officers: responsible, independent, proactive, flexible, capable of analyzing the economic and political situation, making appropriate decisions, as well as able to creatively solve professional and life tasks. A significant number of scientists studied the psychological and pedagogical aspects of learning a foreign language and the development of foreign language abilities of students of non-linguistic universities, namely: methods of activating the educational and cognitive activity of future officers in the process of learning a foreign language; the development of foreign language abilities of a future professional; the formation of self-esteem of students of non-linguistic universities in the process of teaching a foreign language; pedagogical conditions of intensive foreign language teaching at cadets; psychological conditions for improving the effectiveness of foreign language teaching in universities of the MFA system, training of future translators by means of information and communication technologies in higher educational institutions of the MFA, methods of teaching professionally oriented listening to students of non-linguistic universities; professional competence of translators. Basically, foreign language competence in scientific research is considered as the formation of skills and abilities of students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is manifested in four main types of speech – speaking, listening, reading and writing. This assumes that the cadets have language knowledge – phonetic, grammatical, lexical and skills of operating with them, represented by motivational, operational and reflexive components.


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How to Cite

Мохова ОЛ, Башеров ОИ, Санникова ОА, Терёшина ВЮ. Control of the level of formation of foreign language competence of students of higher educational institutions. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(9):78-93. Available from:

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