Modeling the development of combined teaching methods


  • Natalia V. Amyaga Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky
  • Diana A. Elovikova Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky
  • Irina N. Chizhevskaya Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky



combinatorial education, earning models, ICT, computer science


The modern education system is increasingly acquiring the qualities of mobility and openness: the development of communications is blurring the boundaries between states and globalizing the labor market by increasing social mobility; education systems of various countries, due to the increasing need to train specialists for a globalized world, requires increased educational mobility; the growth of social standards requires broad inclusion of persons with special needs in the educational process and production activities; the speed of change in the content of academic disciplines is associated with a high rate of modernization of production technologies and requires a transition from the old paradigm of "lifelong learning" to the new one – "lifelong learning" and ensuring professional mobility; the spread of the concept of Open Source software to educational materials leads to the emergence of open, freely distributed training courses. The openness of education primarily involves the use by all subjects of education of such ICT tools, which provide free access to educational materials and education in general. The use of ICT for the implementation of open education contributes to educational and professional mobility, individualization of educational trajectories, the implementation of inclusive and andragogical education. ICT network training should provide open access not only in traditional teaching materials in the form of textbooks, textbooks and the like, but also to educational laboratory equipment, both directly through remote control and indirectly through the use of virtual laboratories. The analysis of modern ICT tools of open education has shown that the most universal among them are open learning management systems, the common properties of which are: openness of the program code and the development process; hardware and software mobility; support for pedagogical technologies of electronic, distance and mobile learning.


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How to Cite

Амяга НВ, Еловикова ДА, Чижевская ИН. Modeling the development of combined teaching methods. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(3):154-60. Available from:

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