Formation of a single information space digital propaedeutics in the field of mediation: the experience of the Siberian Federal University


  • Olga G. Smolyaninova Siberian Federal University
  • Nikita A. Ivanov Siberian Federal University



mediation in education, digital propaedeutics of mediation, unified information space, child-adult community, social media, human capital, the Arctic and the North


The article presents the experience of forming a unified information space of digital propaedeutics in the field of mediation under the auspices of the Siberian Federal University – one of the flagships of the formation and development of educational mediation in the Arctic and the North. The relevance of the topic is due to the growing conflictogenicity of society and the insufficient study of the potential possibilities of propaedeutics and the promotion of mediation and restorative practices in the multicultural regions of Yenisei Siberia. The authors see the resolution of this contradiction in the consolidation of social capital by means of digital pedagogy in a single information space integrating the resources of the federal University and the possibilities of social media, and initiating conditions for propaedeutics, accumulation, exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of mediation within the network of the children's and adult community. The theoretical significance of the research lies in an attempt to conceptualize the phenomenon of "mediation propaedeutics" in connection with digitalization, as well as in expanding the understanding of the essential characteristics of the network childadult community on the example of the field of "mediation". The practical significance of the research consists in the development and replication of a model, information resources and pedagogical experience of digital propaedeutics in the field of mediation. The study was carried out with the financial support of the regional state autonomous institution "Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund for Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities Support" within the framework of the scientific project "Development of a propaedeutic model of educational multicultural mediation for the regions of Yenisei Siberia and the Far North", application code 2021102307858 (CF-863).


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How to Cite

Смолянинова ОГ, Иванов НА. Formation of a single information space digital propaedeutics in the field of mediation: the experience of the Siberian Federal University. УО [Internet]. 2022Apr.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(2):106-1. Available from: