Features of adaptation of first-graders to school


  • Olga A. Faterina Technical Institute (branch) Northeastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov
  • Larisa V. Mamedova Technical Institute (branch) Northeastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov




primary school, first grader, adaptation, training, school environment


The relevance of this topic is due to its importance for educational and psychological practice; the successful adaptation of children affects their achievements not only in the learning process, but also outside it. The prerequisites for successful completion of education in the future are being formed, thus, scientifically based recommendations at school will help both parents and teachers in adapting first-graders to school. The article examines the factors influencing the adaptation of first-graders at school, including those caused by the difficulties of children's transition from preschool to primary school. As a result of the analysis of factors, recommendations were proposed that will help parents and teachers speed up the process of adaptation of first-graders at school by creating the necessary conditions that accelerate this process. The article also presents a mechanism developed to enhance the adaptation of first-graders to the new educational environment and support their emotional balance. As a result of this mechanism, optimal conditions are formed to increase the effectiveness of first-grader adaptation at school. This comprehensive approach is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the learning and development of children in primary school.


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How to Cite

Фатерина ОА, Мамедова ЛВ. Features of adaptation of first-graders to school. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(11-2):78-86. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1171




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