Modern technologies in teaching digital skills at the level of higher professional education in the Russian Federation


  • Alexander I. Gurnikovsky Southern Federal University
  • Renata Yu. Gurnikovskaya Southern Federal University
  • Victoria S. Lyashenko Russian Technological University
  • Herman G. Seregin Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
  • Tatiana V. Usacheva Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
  • Victoria L. Shimitilo Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia



digitalization of education, digital skills, continuous learning, adaptive learning


This article provides an in-depth study of current trends, advanced technologies and innovative models of digital skills formation in the educational landscape of the higher professional education system of the Russian Federation. The study highlights the urgent need to create a digital educational environment driven by profound economic and social transformations. It explores the potential of transformative learning models and modern educational solutions applicable to various learning paradigms and within all possible learning models, including face-to-face, distance, mixed and hybrid learning. In light of the current global challenges faced by traditional education, accelerated by rapid progress in the digital sphere, this study focuses on the need to adapt and create a dynamic digital educational ecosystem. By integrating advanced technologies and promising pedagogy, higher education institutions can effectively equip students with the necessary digital competencies that modern specialists require. The significance of the article goes beyond academia, serving a diverse audience of education professionals at all levels in the era of "lifelong learning". The conclusions and ideas offered here will be of interest to teachers and companies providing educational solutions. The results of the study offer stakeholders effective strategies that they can use, aligning their practice with the changing educational landscape and the constantly evolving digital world. As the digital revolution penetrates into all spheres of life, from commerce to communications, the pursuit of digital skills in higher professional education becomes a key moment for ensuring the readiness of specialists and social sustainability. In this context, the article serves as a resource, drawing attention to the urgent need for joint efforts to create an inclusive digital and innovative educational environment. The findings of the study resonate not only in the educational community of the Russian Federation, but also have significance for similar global educational systems seeking to respond to the challenges of the digital age.


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How to Cite

Гурниковский АИ, Гурниковская РЮ, Ляшенко ВС, Серегин ГГ, Усачева ТВ, Шимитило ВЛ. Modern technologies in teaching digital skills at the level of higher professional education in the Russian Federation. УО [Internet]. 2023Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(9):91-107. Available from:

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