Memory problems in primary school pupils with disabilities


  • Larisa V. Mamedova NEFU Technical Institute (branch) in Neryungri



children, primary school, children with disabilities, memory, development, inclusion, education


Education is a fundamental right of every child, including children with disabilities. Schools that provide education for children with disabilities play an important role in their development and successful integration into society. Also, education is the basis for the development of every child, regardless of his individual characteristics and abilities. Students with disabilities require special attention and approach in the educational process. One of the important aspects of the development of such children is the development and strengthening of their memory. The educational process at school is complex and requires students to work effectively with memory. Students with disabilities may face various memory-related problems that may hinder their academic success. The problem of memory in children with disabilities remains relevant and interesting for researchers and specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology. Continuous research in this area helps to improve our knowledge of memory in children with disabilities, develop new methods and support strategies, as well as improve the effectiveness of educational practice. The author of this article presents a look at the problem of memory in students with disabilities in elementary school. The task is to study the theoretical aspects of the memory problem in children with disabilities, conduct an empirical study and identify strategies and approaches that can help them overcome these problems and achieve academic success.


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How to Cite

Мамедова ЛВ. Memory problems in primary school pupils with disabilities. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(8):109-15. Available from:

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