Development of cognitive activity of older preschool children with disabilities of the compensating group


  • Alyona S. Kufterina NEFU Technical Institute (branch) in Neryungri
  • Larisa V. Mamedova NEFU Technical Institute (branch) in Neryungri



children with disabilities, cognitive activity, methods of cognitive activity, game therapy, isotherapy, M.B. Shumakova, R.S. Nemov


The article reflects the conducted research aimed at studying the development of cognitive activity of older preschool children. The selected methods and techniques aimed at the development of cognitive activity of older preschool children with disabilities can be useful to psychologists, teachers of special educational institutions and students of pedagogical specialties during practical training. It was concluded that the dynamics of the level of cognitive activity development in older preschool children after the classes became positive, so the work we carried out was effective. This study is devoted to the development of cognitive activity of older preschool children with disabilities in the compensating group. The authors investigate methods and approaches aimed at stimulating cognitive processes in children with disabilities. The work is based on the analysis of pedagogical experience and empirical data. The article examines the factors influencing the development of cognitive activity of children with disabilities, and provides examples of effective practices and innovative approaches in working with such children. The results of the study are important for specialists involved in the education and development of children with disabilities, and can be used in the practice of compensating groups and special preschool institutions.


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How to Cite

Куфтерина АС, Мамедова ЛВ. Development of cognitive activity of older preschool children with disabilities of the compensating group. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(5):173-81. Available from:

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