Language game as a method of developing cognitive and speech abilities of students


  • Louise R. Sardalova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Marina U. Zubayraeva Chechen State University Pedagogical University



wordplay, cognitive, communicative, language game, English


The article is dedicated to the phenomenon of language play in psycholinguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages. The authors described the methods, forms and means of introducing the language game into the process of learning English. The use of speech games in foreign language lessons creates a unique learning environment that can combine cognitive and speech activities at the same time. A special place among game technologies in teaching foreign languages is given to language games based on the unusual use of language units (language game), including in the form of pun and wordplay. This type of activity is a platform for the formation of speech competence and the development of cognitive abilities of students. On the basis of the studied material, a methodology was developed for the development of cognitive and speech ways of introducing game activity, which is based on the phenomenon of language play, namely, the word game "pun". In addition, as part of the research work, methodological recommendations have been developed for conducting a role-playing game on the scientific material of the improvised show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?".


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How to Cite

Сардалова ЛР, Зубайраева МУ. Language game as a method of developing cognitive and speech abilities of students. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):18-24. Available from:

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