Elements of general professional training at the university within the framework of a non-linear information and educational environment


  • Ilgar D. Alekperov Southern University (Institute of Management, Business and Law)
  • Elena S. Balakina MIREA - Russian Technological University
  • Alexander I. Gurnikovsky Southern Federal University
  • Renata Y. Gurnikovskaya Southern Federal University
  • Yulia D. Kuleshova Moscow State Regional University
  • Tatiana V. Usacheva Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia




nonlinear educational environment, university, general professional training


The priority direction of training students of a higher educational institution (university) remains the introduction of the educational and information environment (OIS, or in other terminology, the information and educational environment of the IOS) into the educational process. The indisputable advantages of the OIS are to facilitate the understanding and assimilation of knowledge, the possibility of visualizing information, automating the processes of computing activity, creating conditions for independent work of students. The introduction of OIS is hindered by the weak development of didactic foundations and the lack of scientifically sound practical recommendations for their application in higher technical educational institutions. The pace of development of information technologies is outpacing the processes of psychological and pedagogical understanding of the consequences of their introduction, and the reorganization of traditional forms of education based on information and communication technologies (ICT) encounters the lack of teachers' readiness for this and the corresponding skills. The potential for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process in practice is not fully realized. In general, the learning process by means of the information and educational environment is gradually shifting from web-based learning to mobile, and from mobile to contextual learning. This requires the search for new approaches for the organization of training in the OIC and the construction of an individual trajectory of the student in it. The authors of the article propose such a new approach within the framework of general professional training of students at the university - the implementation of a nonlinear information and educational system.


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How to Cite

Алекперов ИДо, Баланкина ЕС, Гурниковский АИ, Гурниковская РЮ, Кулешова ЮД, Усачева ТВ. Elements of general professional training at the university within the framework of a non-linear information and educational environment. УО [Internet]. 2022Apr.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(2):57-66. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/311

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