The relationship between the school environment and the social behavior of adolescents in the context of the prevention of deviant behavior
school environment, social behavior of adolescents, deviant behavior, prevention, educational work, social and pedagogical supportAbstract
This study is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between the school environment and the social behavior of adolescents in the context of the prevention of deviant behavior. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to find effective strategies for preventing deviant behavior of minors in educational institutions. The aim of the work is to identify the key factors of the school environment that influence the social behavior of adolescents and identify promising areas of preventive activity. During the research, a set of methods was used, including theoretical analysis of scientific literature, a questionnaire survey of students (n=450), a series of focus groups with teachers (n=30), and content analysis of school documentation. It has been established that the leading factors of the school environment associated with the risk of deviant behavior are: an unfavorable psychological climate, a lack of trusting relationships with teachers, low involvement in extracurricular activities. The importance of purposeful formation of prosocial attitudes in the adolescent environment by means of educational work is revealed. The results obtained deepen scientific understanding of the environmental determination of deviant behavior and open up opportunities for designing preventive programs in educational practice. The prospects for further research are related to the development and testing of a model of socio-pedagogical support for at-risk adolescents in school settings.
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