Formation of the reading interest of younger students


  • Larisa V. Mamedova Northeastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov


reading, students, interest, diagnosis, analysis


Reading is one of the main tools for acquaintance with fiction and popular science literature for children of primary school age. Reading is an important way to enrich knowledge and develop a child's creativity, ingenuity, moral qualities and aesthetic flair. This introduces the literary language into the memory of students, expands the child's vocabulary, and also helps to learn about himself and the world in which he lives. In this article, we describe an experiment that was conducted in three stages, at the first stage we conducted diagnostic techniques aimed at identifying the level of formation of reader's interest among students of the 4th grade in MOBU Secondary School No. 3, Yakutsk: «Interest in reading» by V. E. Koshkarova; diagnosis «You know» S. V. Kazarinova; diagnostics «What kind of reader are you?» by N.G. Malakhov. After analyzing the results, it became known that the students needed additional work to generate reader interest. At the second stage, we developed and tested the pedagogical program of the optional course «Love to read», which includes the most effective methods and techniques in our opinion. After finishing all the classes, we started the third stage, where we carried out a control diagnosis using the same methods that were used in the first stage. The obtained results were processed and verified for validity using the Wilcoxon T-test.


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How to Cite

Mamedova LV. Formation of the reading interest of younger students. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];14(4-1):167-76. Available from:




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