The role of tutor support in the process of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in Russian universities


  • Oleg I. Bashеrov Moscow International University; A.N. Kosygin Russian State University
  • Natalia I. Merzlikina Russian University of Transport
  • Kira V. Trostina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Irina A. Sinitsyna Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev



tutor support, international students, socio-cultural adaptation, internationalization of education, individualization


In modern conditions of internationalization of higher education and the growing number of foreign students in Russian universities, the problem of their socio-cultural adaptation is becoming particularly relevant. One of the effective tools for facilitating adaptation is tutor support. This article examines the role of tutor support in the process of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in Russian universities. The purpose of the study is to identify the features and potential of tutor support as a factor of successful socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students at Russian universities. The research materials were scientific publications, statistical data, the results of surveys of 327 foreign students from 12 universities in 8 regions of Russia, as well as practical experience in implementing tutor programs at a number of universities (HSE, RUDN, KFU, etc.). The work uses methods of theoretical analysis, generalization, systematization, as well as empirical methods - questionnaires, interviews, analysis of business products (reports, portfolios). The results of the study indicate that tutor support, based on the principles of individualization, openness, flexibility, is an effective mechanism of socio-cultural adaptation, contributing to a faster and more effective entry of foreigners into a new educational and cultural environment. It was found that participation in tutor programs allows foreign students to master academic disciplines 34.7% faster, participate in extracurricular activities 42.5% more often, and integrate into the student community 28.2% easier compared to students who are not covered by tutor support. Various models and forms of tutor support have been identified, varying depending on the national composition of students, areas of training, and the university's resource capabilities. The results obtained can be used to improve the practices of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in Russian universities. Further research prospects are associated with the study of the long-term effects of tutor support, the development of innovative tutor technologies.


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How to Cite

Башеров ОИ, Мерзликина НИ, Тростина КВ, Синицына ИА. The role of tutor support in the process of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in Russian universities. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):57–67. Available from:




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