Innovative models of education: comparative analysis of various approaches and their impact on the quality of the educational system


  • Oksana L. Mokhova Moscow International University
  • Maria V. Rezunova Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" – Bryansk branch
  • Natalia D. Ovchinnikova Russian University of Transport
  • Ekaterina V. Korobova Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



innovative models, educational approaches, quality of education, comparative analysis, educational system


The educational system in Russia is in the process of active transformation. This is primarily due to the rapid technological development, which makes adjustments to the requirements for the qualifications of graduates of higher educational institutions. In this context, it becomes obvious the need to apply new approaches and methods in the educational process aimed at improving its quality and effectiveness. There are many models of education, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. However, the choice of a specific model should be justified not only by its potential capabilities, but also by its applicability in specific conditions. In order to determine which model will be the most effective in the Russian educational space, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of various approaches and assess their impact on the quality of education. The purpose of this article is to analyze three modern models of education: "learning in cooperation with industry", "flexible education" and "problem-based learning". An overview of each of these models, their features and examples of successful implementation will be conducted. Then, the impact of each of them on the quality of education in Russia will be analyzed. Special attention will be paid to evaluating the effectiveness and identifying possible limitations of the use of these models in the Russian educational system. The research is based on the analysis of current research papers, statistical data, as well as their own observations and conclusions. The results of this study will help not only to deepen the understanding of modern models of education, but also to form the basis for further research in this area.


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How to Cite

Мохова ОЛ, Резунова МВ, Овчинникова НД, Коробова ЕВ. Innovative models of education: comparative analysis of various approaches and their impact on the quality of the educational system. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(9):188-96. Available from:

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