Gamification as one of the forms of teaching English


  • Marina U. Zubayraeva Chechen State University Pedagogical University
  • Louise R. Louise R. Sardalova Kadyrov Chechen State University



game, gamification, foreign language, interactive game space


The article is devoted to the use of innovative, active forms and methods of teaching, advanced pedagogical technologies in the educational process, in particular in English lessons. The ideal learning environment that can activate the mental activity of students and encourage them to make non-standard decisions that contribute to the creation of a conscious learning experience is a game. The authors point out the importance of using elements of the game and its varieties in foreign language lessons for the training of future specialists. Game methods based on smart technologies contribute to the development of the concept of personality-oriented learning, which underlies the basic principles of modern teaching methods. Using computer technologies, students actively participate in the educational process through interaction with the outside world. It is obvious that the implementation of a personality-oriented approach, supplemented by gamification, promotes the development of autonomy, creative thinking, the ability to plan and evaluate, ensures readiness for continuing education, thereby forming a transition from a passive learning process to an active and interactive one. Successful integration of gamification contributes to the development of a personality that strives for the maximum realization of its capabilities, which in the end should form a stable interest in new knowledge among students.


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How to Cite

Зубайраева МУ, Сардалова ЛР. Gamification as one of the forms of teaching English. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):55-61. Available from: