The impact of the quality of education on the development of the graduate market


  • Malika U. Baysayeva Kadyrov Chechen State University



university management, economics, research, higher education institution


The higher education system is an important element affecting the development of the economy and all sectors, the quality of life, the state of public administration, and the like. Graduates of higher educational institutions work in all sectors of the economy and directly affect the state of these industries. Therefore, an important prerequisite for the success of the country is a high-quality higher education system. The education system, including higher education, affects the professionalism of graduates of educational institutions and in certain cases may affect the moral qualities of graduates of educational institutions. Graduates of educational institutions, after graduating from an educational institution, go to work in healthcare, law enforcement agencies, courts, education, science, production of goods, provision of services, performance of works, public administration, construction and the like. Therefore, it is important for any country to form a high-quality education system, including higher education, without corruption, with an objective assessment of the knowledge of applicants for education, with comfortable learning conditions for students and comfortable working conditions for employees of educational institutions. It is important to purchase new modern equipment by institutions of higher education; expansion, modernization and updating of the material and technical base of institutions of higher education. Also important for institutions of higher education is the opening of convenient canteens, cafes with high-quality and varied meals in institutions of higher education; the development and creation of new sports complexes with various gyms; modern repairs of buildings with the creation of interesting designs; the establishment of special equipment for interactive lectures and classes; the creation in institutions of higher education at deaneries and at all departments where students could quickly and easily get the information they need at any time convenient for them; creation of high-quality libraries and the like.


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How to Cite

Байсаева МУ. The impact of the quality of education on the development of the graduate market. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(10):24-32. Available from:

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