Economic school education as a factor in facilitating the adaptation of a student's personality in modern society


  • Malika U. Baysayeva Kadyrov Chechen State University



economic education, school, factor, assistance, adaptation


Today we are at a difficult stage in the development of society. The rapid pace of global transformations taking place in the world, in society, geosphere, economy and geopolitics need timely reflection, analysis and changes in the worldview of the individual for the ability to objectively assess the surrounding global and local social processes. The focus on dynamic processes in the European Educational Space is relevant now. These problems concern both adults and schoolchildren, especially high school students. Preparation for independent life of students also requires systematic knowledge about world processes, in particular, economics, as well as the formation of personality, the formation of important psychological qualities, for the successful formation of adaptive processes in further independent life. The modern education system should take into account these problems and be ready to solve them. To do this, it is necessary to reform and update both the content of education and the development of innovative approaches to the formation of the personality of students, the ability to adapt. So, global systemic changes of a transformative nature in society and in the environment cannot but affect the development, activity, and activity of the modern personality of schoolchildren. Despite these processes, in the modern personality there is a need to adapt to transformational changes and thus successfully plan their own life activities, self-improvement, self-realization. The lack of timely adaptation can provoke cognitive dissonance and psychological disharmony in the personality.


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How to Cite

Байсаева МУ. Economic school education as a factor in facilitating the adaptation of a student’s personality in modern society. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(9):192-200. Available from:

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