Study of communication skills in older pre-school children


  • Irina G. Latypova NEFU Technical Institute (branch) named after M.K. Ammosov
  • Larisa V. Mamedova NEFU Technical Institute (branch) named after M.K. Ammosov



child developmen, communication skills, older preschool children, methodology, research, communication


The relevance of the research on the development of communication skills in older preschool children is that this period can be considered a certain kind of conductor between kindergarten and elementary school. It is then that the requirements for the child to organize communication with people around him, not only peers, but also adults, become stronger. In the analyzed age period, the child is subject to problems associated with insufficiently formed communication skills, which further affect his future. Communication skills are the most important means of ensuring the successful activity of a child in the field of communication. Violation of the communication process in the global sense of this concept occurs due to the lack of simple skills, which in turn complicate the communication of the child with his peers and surrounding adults. That is why this issue is given special attention by psychologists, teachers and, of course, scientists. This article presents the results of a study conducted on the basis of the DOE "Forget-me-not" with the help of diagnostics of forms of communication by M. I. Lisina. As the study showed, most of the participants coped with the tasks at an average and low level, based on this, we can conclude that the need to develop communication skills in older preschool children is indisputable.


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How to Cite

Латыпова ИГ, Мамедова ЛВ. Study of communication skills in older pre-school children. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(9):132-7. Available from:

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