State instruments of financial stimulation of investment activity: educational experience


  • Malika U. Baysaeva Chechen State University
  • Aminat V. Daaeva Chechen State University



Management, education, financial resources, higher education institutions


The transition of the Russian national economy to an innovation and investment model is the only possible trajectory of development in the post-industrial era. It is innovative technologies that bring the greatest economic effect, compared with the invested funds. There is an acute problem of critical aging of fixed assets of structure-forming enterprises. Up to 95% of Russia's GDP is now generated by enterprises that belong to the III and IV technological structures. Modernization of such enterprises requires, firstly, too much investment, which neither the state nor private investors can afford, and secondly, it brings the risk of a trend of "downward growth", in which even the successful activity of enterprises will not be sufficient to ensure the competitiveness and effective functioning of state institutions. Under such conditions, advanced development strategies are becoming relevant, which are aimed at developing enterprises using technologies of the V and VI technological modes (which now account for only 5% of Russia's GDP), and should rely on existing advantages in the machine-building and metalworking industries. At the same time, it is advisable to focus on the need for a balanced ratio of enterprises of various devices in the structure of the national economy. Scientific institutions of various types, in particular, institutions of higher education, can play a leading role in the process of overcoming the disproportions between the production of various technological devices.


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How to Cite

Байсаева МУ, Дааева АВ. State instruments of financial stimulation of investment activity: educational experience. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(5):188-95. Available from:

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