Investment activity and investment portfolio of insurance companies: experience in the context of education management


  • Malika U. Baysaeva Chechen State University
  • Alikhan Z. Bursagov Chechen State University
  • Aminat V. Daayeva Chechen State University



Management, education, financial resources, higher education institutions


Improving the quality of education is one of the key factors in improving the competitiveness of the country. The annual revision of educational and scientific programs for training specialists makes it possible to make timely adjustments to curricula and improve the quality of education in order to better meet the requirements of the trained specialists of the market environment. The acquisition of international experience in training specialists helps to form the competencies of future specialists in such a way that they are competitive in the international labor market. Despite the modern processes of globalization of the world economy and the European integration processes of the Russian economy, the system of assessing the quality of education in the formation of professional competencies of economists requires improvement and further development. Improving the quality of education of specialists, in particular economists, in the context of European integration processes and international mobility programs will help to increase the competitiveness of future specialists and improve the university's rating. One of the conditions for the competitiveness of a higher education institution is that it has an internal education quality system that meets the modern requirements of national and international standards. The process of creating such systems in higher  education institutions is slow, which can lead to certain losses in the formation of the intellectual potential of the country. Such losses may further affect the level of national security. Economics specialists work in all spheres of the national economy and at all types of enterprises.


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How to Cite

Байсаева МУ, Бурсагов АЗ, Дааева АВ. Investment activity and investment portfolio of insurance companies: experience in the context of education management. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(5):144-52. Available from:

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