Management of the formation of general cultural competencies in the system of physical education of vocational education students through martial arts
general cultural competencies, physical education, martial arts, students, secondary vocational education, education management.Abstract
In the modern education system, an urgent task is the formation of general cultural competencies, especially in sports colleges. The purpose of the study is to develop a management model for the formation of general cultural competencies of vocational education students through martial arts classes. The analysis of scientific literature, modeling, and pedagogical methods were used. A model has been developed that includes value-motivational, content-cognitive, operational-technological and performance-evaluation components. A pedagogical experiment was conducted with the participation of 120 students. Martial arts classes contribute to the development of cognitive functions, communication skills, stress tolerance, and value orientations of students, forming general cultural competencies. The effectiveness of the developed control model for this process has been experimentally proven. The results obtained are important for improving the system of physical education in vocational schools and managing the development of general cultural competencies. The prospects of the research are related to the expansion of the range of martial arts and the adaptation of the model to other levels of education.
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