Homeostatic approach in pedagogy


  • Elena N. Dzyatkovskaya Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education




educational environment, homeostatic approach, design


The article considers the possibility of using a general scientific homeostatic approach to solving the problem of optimizing management in social systems, to which education belongs. Homeostatics, as a cybernetic science, answers the questions: what can and should be managed when dealing with self organizing systems; how to choose the optimal direction of development from a possible variety; when it is possible to "let go" of self-developing processes to "take their course". That is, homeostatics is not only a theoretical, but also an applied science. The author believes that the application of the homeostatic approach in the design of the educational environment is promising. Such an educational environment can acquire the properties of variability and adaptability, become developing and developing, accessible and health-saving - solving the main contradiction of the educational process: between the nature of the child's learning management by the learning system and the nature of its involuntary self-regulation by the body. This key contradiction, turning into the opposite, acts as the main mechanism of didactogenic deterioration of the health of schoolchildren. The principles of designing an educational environment based on homeostatics are formulated.


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How to Cite

Дзятковская ЕН. Homeostatic approach in pedagogy. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(5):77-85. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/159