Ecological culture as a vector of updating the main educational programs


  • Elena N. Dzyatkovskaya Institute of Education Development Strategy RAO



ecological culture, general education, basic educational program, sustainable development


The role of ecological culture as a factor of sustainable development of the country is considered. It is substantiated that ecological culture in modern society becomes a means of ensuring all directions of national security of the country, its cultural sovereignty, solving ecological, social and economic problems. The problem of reflection of ecological culture status in modern society during development of basic educational programs of general educational organizations is put. The conclusion about necessity of updating of purposes and value bases of design of the basic educational programs on the basis of cultural paradigm of education and the task of formation of ecological culture of students is made.


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How to Cite

Дзятковская ЕН. Ecological culture as a vector of updating the main educational programs. УО [Internet]. 2022Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):207-13. Available from: