Тенденции развития инклюзивного образования


  • Елена Николаевна Дзятковская «Институт стратегии развития образования Российской Академии образования»
  • Антон Дмитриевич Дзятковский Доктор философии в области образования, Ведущий менеджер по разработке программного обеспечения Platinum



Ключевые слова:

интеграция, инклюзия, модели инклюзивного образования, тенденции


Цель статьи – проанализировать современные тенденции развития инклюзивного образования в мире. Сделан вывод о расширении этого понятия, увеличении числа стран, охваченных этим процессом, разнообразии используемых моделей, усилении их социального контекста, обращении к междисциплинарному подходу и осознании большого числа нерешенных проблем.

Библиографические ссылки

Anastasiou D., Kauffman J. M., Di Nuovo S.F. (2015) Inclusive education in Italy: description and reflections on full inclusion // European Journal of Special Needs Education, 30(4)

Boyle C. & Anderson J. (2020). The justification for inclusive education in Australia. PROSPECTS. V.49.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities //United Nations. Department of Economic and Social AffairsDisability // URL: https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rightsof-persons-with-disabilities.html

European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2018) / Inclusion Europe. Promoting common values and inclusive education: reflections and messages. URL: https://www.europeanagency.org/sites/default/files/promoting_common_values_and_inclusive_education.pdf

European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education (2018) / Inclusion Europe. European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education: Methodology report. (A. Lénárt, J. Ramberg and A. Watkins, eds.). Odense, Denmark. URL: https://www.european-agency.org/resources/publications/EASIE-methodologyreport-updated-2018

Flem A., Keller C.E. (2020) Inclusion in Norway: a study of ideology in practice // European Journal of Special Needs Education, 15(2).

Furyaeva T.W. (2018) Pedagogy of integration/inclusion in Germany: history and modernity (the middle of XX – beginning of XXI centuries) // Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology, 7(1).

Global Education Monitoring Report (2021). Inclusion and Education: All means all. Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. URL: https://www.europeanagency.org/resources/publications/gem-report-2021.

Hodkinson A., Devarakonda Ch. (2009) Conception of inclusion and inclusive education. A critical examination of the perspectives and practices of teachers in India // Research in Education. Vol. 82. № 1.

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). World Health Organization // https://www.who.int/classifications/international-classification-of-functioning-disability-andhealth

Isăilă N. (2021) Social inclusion in the context of informational society // Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 46. URL: https://cyberleninka.org/article/n/153483

Oppression: A Social Determinant of Health / Ed. E.A. McGibbon (2012). Black Point, Winnipeg: Fernwood Pub..

Rothman J.C. (2010) The Challenge of Disability and Access: Reconceptualizing the Role of the Medical Model // Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol. 9. № 2–3. URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20730675/

Social inclusion in Australia: how Australia is faring Australian social inclusion board (2010). Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. URL: https://textarchive.ru/c-2084762.html

Sustainable Development Goals. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social AffairsSustainable Development. URL: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

The Salamanca statement and framework for action on special needs education (1994). URL: https://www.european-agency.org/sites/default/files/salamanca-statement-and-framework.pdf




Как цитировать

Дзятковская ЕН, Дзятковский АД. Тенденции развития инклюзивного образования. УО [Интернет]. 15 май 2022 г. [цитируется по 8 февраль 2025 г.];12(3):197-204. доступно на: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/375

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