Patriotic education of primary school children through hours of communication
patriotism, patriotic education, primary school children, methods of patriotic educationAbstract
Patriotism remains a consistently relevant topic in every country, as it is the key to stability and prosperity of the state and its people. Therefore, patriotic education of the younger and younger generations is one of the most important tasks at the moment. A theoretical analysis of the literature on this topic allows us to define patriotism as a spiritual quality of a person, which is based on respect for the historical past of the people and the state, a sense of love for the Motherland and a willingness to protect its rights and interests. Patriotic education, according to Russian teachers and scientists, is a purposeful process, as a result of which patriotic qualities are formed. The article describes in detail the experimental work, which contains the selection of effective methods and forms aimed at the formation of patriotism in younger schoolchildren, the results of primary and final diagnostics.
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