The role of educational process management in the formation of students' literary competence


  • Zukhra I. Yahyaeva Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Asset K. Muradova Chechen State Pedagogical University


education management, educational process, literary competence, higher education, pedagogical technologies, monitoring of educational results


This article examines the role of educational process management in the formation of students' literary competence. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern conditions of development of society and education, the importance of effective management of the educational process is increasing to ensure a high level of literary competence of university graduates. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the key aspects of the influence of management decisions and practices on the formation of literary knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Research materials and methods include the analysis of scientific literature on the problem, the study of normative legal documents in the field of education, conducting surveys and questionnaires among 40 teachers and 100 students from the Kadyrov Chechen State Pedagogical University and the Chechen State Pedagogical University (Grozny). Methods of descriptive and inductive statistics, content analysis, and comparative analysis were used. The results of the study show that competent management of the educational process, including the development and implementation of effective educational programs (coverage of literary disciplines on average 35-40% of the total hours), the use of innovative pedagogical technologies (introduction of elements of problem-based and project-based learning in 78% of the universities studied), regular monitoring and evaluation of students' literary competence (conducting control sections at least 2 times a semester in 92% of universities), contributes to a significant increase in the level of literary training of students. The average indicator of the formation of literary competence increased by 23% during the study period. A positive correlation was revealed (r=0.68; p<0.01) between the quality of educational process management and students' literary achievements. Thus, the conducted research confirms the key role of effective management of the educational process in the formation and development of literary competence of university students. The results obtained can be used to improve the management system of literary education in higher education.


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How to Cite

Yahyaeva ZI, Muradova AK. The role of educational process management in the formation of students’ literary competence. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];14(4-1):31-4. Available from:

