The Federal Budget of the Russian Federation as an instrument of socio-economic development: educational aspects


  • Milana G. Uspayeva Chechen State University
  • Akhmed M. Gachaev Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov, Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic
  • Madina R. Khadzhimuradova Chechen State University



Budget, institutional environment, conditions, education, management


The introduction of an institutional approach to the study of the budget system is important and includes the definition of the features of the institution of budget regulation, the institutional environment that ensures its functioning, transaction costs using the theory of public choice. The institutions of the budget system have a complex internal structure of norms and rules, the evolution of these institutions is closely related to the development of public administration institutions, macroeconomic regulation. The main characteristics of the functioning and development of socio-economic systems in the plane of public life with its philosophical, legal, social, psychological, cultural characteristics are directly affected by the manifestations of a close relationship of such factors as the economic behavior of business entities and the factors that determine it; the system and structure of incentives and motives of economic agents; norms, principles, rules of economic behavior. The necessary institutions in the field of public finance are formed in the process of social development, certain functional connections that are established between them become the basis for the emergence of appropriate financial relations. The institutional environment reveals the impact of the financial mechanism on the indicators of economic and social development. The study of the relationship between the effectiveness of the budget system as a component of state regulation and the characteristics of the country's institutional environment proves that it is the institutional environment that largely creates the conditions under which its component — the institutional architectonics of the financial system-is built within the framework of the institutional architectonics of the economic system. Such conditions significantly depend on a number of features of the country in historical and socio-cultural aspects, the formation of institutions in society, the characteristics of its institutional environment.


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How to Cite

Успаева МГ, Гачаев АМ, Хаджимурадова МР. The Federal Budget of the Russian Federation as an instrument of socio-economic development: educational aspects. УО [Internet]. 2021Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(4):198-20. Available from:

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