Artificial intelligence and its role in building an individual development trajectory for university students


  • Nikolai N. Kuzmin Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky
  • Irina N. Glazunova Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Natalya A. Chistyakova Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Leila S. Baytimerova Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy



artificial intelligence, individual development trajectory, personalization of education, higher education, educational technologies


The article examines the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping the individual development trajectory of students in higher education institutions. The relevance of this study is due to the growing need to personalize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics and potential of each student. The purpose of the work is to analyze the possibilities of using AI technologies to build an optimal trajectory of learning and development for university students. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach, including theoretical analysis of scientific literature, generalization of practical experience in using AI in education, as well as empirical methods such as surveys and interviews of students and teachers. The study sample consisted of 450 respondents from 5 leading universities in the country. The results of the study indicate the significant potential of using AI to personalize educational trajectories. Thus, 78% of surveyed students noted that the introduction of AI systems would allow them to more effectively plan their learning and development, taking into account individual needs and goals. Teachers (82%) also confirmed that the use of AI technologies helps optimize the educational process and improve the quality of education. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of recommendations for the implementation of AI systems in the educational process of universities to build individual development trajectories for students. The proposed measures can be used by university administrations, teachers and specialists in the field of educational technologies to improve the learning process and increase its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Кузьмин НН, Глазунова ИН, Чистякова НА, Байтимерова ЛС. Artificial intelligence and its role in building an individual development trajectory for university students. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):113–121. Available from:




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