Evaluation of the effectiveness of distance learning technologies in teaching fundamental and applied environmental management disciplines in universities


  • Dmitry S. Petrenko Moscow City Pedagogical University; Private school «Earthlings»




distance learning technologies, environmental management, learning effectiveness, competence-based approach, digital didactics, online courses, blended learning


The widespread introduction of distance learning technologies (DOT) in higher education requires a deep understanding of their effectiveness in the context of teaching fundamental and applied disciplines of environmental management. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively assess the potential of DOT in the formation of professional competencies of environmental managers. A mix of quantitative (questionnaires of students and teachers, content analysis of university EIOS) and qualitative (a series of focus groups, expert interviews) methods was used. The sample consists of 450 students and 30 teachers from 10 universities of the Russian Federation. A high level of student satisfaction with DOT was revealed (84%). The factors of the effectiveness of online courses are determined: interactivity, adaptability, multimedia. Barriers such as technical failures, lack of communication, and problems of self-organization have been fixed. Discussion. The data obtained open up prospects for personalizing educational trajectories and entering a practice-oriented format. The results are applicable to optimize the implementation of DOT in environmental management. Further research is needed on the delayed effects of DOT and the mechanisms of adaptation of students to them.


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How to Cite

Петренко ДС. Evaluation of the effectiveness of distance learning technologies in teaching fundamental and applied environmental management disciplines in universities. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):68–77. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1398

