Some aspects of the development of bachelor's degree programs in the context of federal state educational standards of higher professional education


  • Alexander I. Gurnikovsky Southern Federal University
  • Renata Yu. Gurnikovskaya Southern Federal University
  • Svetlana R. Grushina Russian Technological University
  • Victoria S. Lyashenko Russian Technological University
  • Natalia N. Shadrina Russian Technological University
  • Igor M. Tararin State University of Management



designing the content of education, higher professional education, bachelor's degree programs, competence approach in education


This scientific article discusses the development of undergraduate educational programs within the framework of modern federal state educational standards of higher professional education with an emphasis on the competency-based approach. Over the past decades, the paradigm shift from a knowledge-based model to a competency-based model has been recognized as key in modern pedagogy. Despite this transformation, knowledge remains a fundamental and central element in the development of the content of the professional training of students enrolled in undergraduate programs. The study explores content design, in which various types of knowledge, including theoretical, empirical, personal, and evaluative, play a key role in shaping the educational landscape. The competence-based approach to education reinforces the importance of not only modular, but also task-based structuring of content for students, which requires careful consideration of the principles of contextual learning. Contextual learning recognizes the socio-cultural and professional aspects inherent in bachelor's training and is effectively implemented through a variety of pedagogical methods, including research-based learning, project-based learning, case-based learning, reflective learning, and authentic assessment. This comprehensive emphasis is in line with the requirements of a post-industrial society, in which diverse and multifaceted abilities are considered a prerequisite for success.


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How to Cite

Гурниковский АИ, Гурниковская РЮ, Грушина СР, Ляшенко ВС, Шадрина НН, Тарарин ИМ. Some aspects of the development of bachelor’s degree programs in the context of federal state educational standards of higher professional education. УО [Internet]. 2023Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(9):11-27. Available from:

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