Implementation of an interactive component in the process of practice-oriented teaching of humanities


  • Tatyana G. Demidenko Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Natalya A. Chistyakova Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»



teaching methods, pedagogy, literature, creative tasks, project technology, critical thinking, active dialogue, pedagogical rhetoric, interactive classes, team games, didactic games, practice orientation, competitiveness


Modern educational requirements make practice-oriented training a priority in obtaining both higher and secondary vocational education. In our opinion, in the process of mastering the humanities, this task can be realized as fully as possible, which is undoubtedly facilitated by the creative component present in these disciplines. Moreover, the training session should be distinguished by the use of activity-based methods and teaching techniques, such as educational discussion, dialogue, business and role-playing games, open questions, etc., which contributes to the qualitative involvement of all participants in the process of the lesson, the emergence of healthy competition in the team, filling in the gaps that have arisen in the mosaic of knowledge of each individual student. Therefore, we took as an example the active and interactive classes conducted in the humanities "Literature" and "Pedagogical Rhetoric". The work was carried out with students with various specialties, and with future specialists of both higher and middle management, but the implementation of practical orientation through the use of an active and interactive component was obvious. The authors propose tasks involving the immersion of students in specific situations that they may encounter in their future professional activities or tasks that focus on the realities and concepts important for a particular specialty.


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How to Cite

Демиденко ТГ, Чистякова НА. Implementation of an interactive component in the process of practice-oriented teaching of humanities. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(7):32-8. Available from: