Types of personality orientation and scientific and pedagogical activity of a higher school teacher


  • Victoria K. Nikitina Vladimir State University




higher school, personality orientation, activity, research


An urgent problem of modern higher education is the scientific orientation of the personality and activity of teachers, because now we are witnessing a radical change in the scientific paradigm, which affects the development of interdisciplinary research aimed at combining the resources of knowledge of many scientific areas. As the analysis of the current socio-cultural situation shows, modern science as a form of public consciousness, including psychological and pedagogical science, appears as a significant factor in both the reform of the educational industry as a whole and the modernization of the system of educational activities of all participants in the educational process. In this regard, the scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers is closely connected with their creative development and professional self-improvement. Teachers of a high level of scientific and professional skills have their own characteristics. Scientific education and competence of higher school teachers presupposes possession of in-depth knowledge, first of all, such as: theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical disciplines, as well as related disciplines, in particular knowledge of philosophy, sociology, psychology, professional pedagogy, special pedagogy, methods of teaching academic subjects and the like; knowledge of content, forms, methods, means of educational work at the university.


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How to Cite

Никитина ВК. Types of personality orientation and scientific and pedagogical activity of a higher school teacher. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(3):268-73. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/838