Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of students with manifestations of anxiety in the educational process


  • Irina P. Vvedenskaya Samara State Medical University
  • Marina V. Manzhos Medical University "Reaviz"
  • Olga B. Nikonova MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2"



accompanying children, anxiety, educational process, technology


The complex socio-economic changes that are taking place in modern society require the average person to be resistant to stressful situations, to adapt quickly and constructively to the changing conditions of existence, to be competitive, because without this progressive development of the individual is impossible. The purpose of the article is to analyze the technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of children with manifestations of anxiety in the educational process. Materials and methods. Research methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization of scientific literature on the research problem); empirical (conversation, ascertaining and forming experiment, comparison, testing: methods for determining the level of anxiety as a personal property and as a condition; evaluation of anxiety manifestations; diagnostics of the phenomenon of social intelligence (ability to understand intentions, feelings and emotional state of a person through verbal and non-verbal expression); assessments of social and communicative competence to identify the ability to cooperate, conduct discussions and the perception of criticism; mathematical-statistical and interpretative (analysis, synthesis, systematization of the data obtained for their visual display). Statistical processing of empirical data and their graphical display was carried out using the statistical package SPSS Statistics version 17.0 and the standard package of the MS Excel program. Results. On the basis of the chosen empirical research program and the selected empirical indicators, the features of the influence of anxiety on the development of students' social intelligence in percentage terms were investigated. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that students of professions of the "man-man" type, namely the socionomic profile of training, have an advantage in ensuring the effectiveness of the development of social intelligence as a determinant of professional formation. Students of professions such as "human-sign systems" (physical and mathematical training profile) also have a sufficient number of high indicators of research results. Regarding the respondents of professions such as "ManNature" (natural learning profile), based on a comparative analysis, it can be argued that the studied contingent has an advantage only in low indicators. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the results of the study can be used by specialized specialists to improve the results of their own research.


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How to Cite

Введенская ИП, Манжос МВ, Никонова ОБ. Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of students with manifestations of anxiety in the educational process. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):143-58. Available from: