Providing high-quality economic education in the context of the implementation of world experience in Russia


  • Zina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University named after A-X.Kadyrova



economics, education, economic processes, society


The effectiveness of economic changes largely depends on the state of education development, because education is a social institution of society, connected in its activities with other social institutions, thanks to which humanity has accumulated 33 times more knowledge in the current period than in all previous millennia of prehistoric and historical development. The scientific and technological revolution as a result of educational development has formed a new type of society – informational, for the successful functioning of which education is designed to prepare a new generation of specialists who are able not only to work in a market economy, but also the knowledge economy. Education, according to the results of the analysis of many researchers, is a profitable industry, although, of course, this is achieved indirectly. According to experts, 56% of the gross domestic product on average is created by employees with higher education. The role of education in ensuring the socio-economic development of the country as a whole is growing. This is achieved primarily through the training of highly qualified specialists needed by the Russian economy and society. The latter should show creative forces, initiative, and apply the acquired knowledge in practice during production. This means that there is a growing need for quality education.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ЗА. Providing high-quality economic education in the context of the implementation of world experience in Russia. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):77-84. Available from:

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