Investments in innovative projects based on universities


  • Milana G. Uspayeva Chechen State University
  • Akhmed M. Gachaev Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov, Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic



Investment, digital, digital technologies, education, management


The challenges that the governments of the countries face in building a digital economy are, first of all, the insufficient level of awareness in the specifics of the implementation and practical implementation of the digital development strategy, for the insufficient level of education of employees who lack the necessary skills to work with modern digital technologies. As the study of digital strategies of 35 countries shows, usually the development of a state digital development strategy is carried out by a ministry or body that cannot professionally approach this problem due to the lack of necessary specialists who are knowledgeable in digital technologies. The next serious problem of implementing institutional transformations of the investment component of the digital development strategy is the need to ensure an effective system for coordinating its implementation at all levels – governments, industries, regions, enterprises, etc. It is worth noting that the problem of coordinating digital development and developing a digital strategy is also characteristic of developed countries. In 15 of the 35 OECD countries for which the analysis was conducted, digital development issues are handled by ministries that are not professional; only 8 countries have created a special government structure for the development and implementation of an appropriate strategy; in 6 countries, several ministries and public administration bodies are engaged in the development of a digital strategy for economic development at once  without effective coordination of actions. Only 4 countries – Austria, Luxembourg, Mexico and the Slovak Republic-have appointed a high-level official from the Presidential Administration, the Prime Minister's Office or relevant ministries, who is responsible for coordinating all activities aimed at implementing the national digital development strategy.


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How to Cite

Успаева МГ, Гачаев АМ. Investments in innovative projects based on universities. УО [Internet]. 2021Sep.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):250-8. Available from:

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