The application of the project method in English language teaching within the framework of a professionally oriented approach


  • Oksana L. Mokhova Moscow International University
  • Olga M. Golosova Russian University of Transport
  • Inna A. Malykhina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Lyubov I. Tsikolenko Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky


project method, professionally oriented training, English, communication skills, motivation, competencies


This article is devoted to the study of the application of the project method in English language teaching within the framework of a professionally oriented approach. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to find effective methods of teaching a foreign language that contribute to the formation of not only language skills, but also professional competencies. The purpose of the work is to identify the advantages and features of using the project methodology in the context of professionally oriented English language teaching. Research materials and methods include the analysis of scientific literature on the problem, the study of practical experience in using the project method in teaching English, as well as conducting a pedagogical experiment. 56 students of the 2-3 courses of the Faculty of Economics took part in the experiment, divided into experimental (n= 28) and control (n=28) groups. In the experimental group, training was conducted using the project method, while in the control group traditional methods were used. To assess the effectiveness of the applied methods, tests, surveys, and analysis of students' project work were used. The results of the study showed that the application of the project method within the framework of a professionally oriented approach helps to increase students' motivation to learn English, develop their communication and research skills. In the experimental group, the average score on the final test was 84.6, which is 14.2% higher than in the control group (74.1 points). A qualitative analysis of the project work revealed a deeper understanding of professional terminology by students and the ability to apply it in context. The survey showed that 92% of the students in the experimental group positively assessed the experience of working on projects and noted its benefits for future professional activities. Thus, the project method is an effective tool for professionally oriented English language teaching, contributing to the formation of students not only language skills, but also key competencies that are in demand in a modern professional environment. The introduction of project methodology into the educational process requires careful preparation and methodological support from the teacher, but at the same time opens up wide opportunities for creative and research activities of students.


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How to Cite

Мохова ОЛ, Голосова ОМ, Малыхина ИА, Циколенко ЛИ. The application of the project method in English language teaching within the framework of a professionally oriented approach. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):47–56. Available from:




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