The history of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of the university


  • Oleg I. Basherov Russian University of Transport
  • Olga A. Sannikova Moscow International University
  • Valentina Yu. Tereshina Moscow International University
  • Irina N. Svedentsova Moscow International University



international students, socio-cultural adaptation, pedagogical support, history of education, internationalization of higher education


This article is devoted to the study of the history of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of the university. The relevance of the topic is due to the increasing number of foreign students in Russian universities and the need to optimize the process of their adaptation. The purpose of the study is a retrospective analysis of the development of the system of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students in Russia. In the course of the work, scientific publications, archival documents and statistical data reflecting the evolution of approaches to pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students in Russia from the 1950s to the present were analyzed. Methods of historical-genetic, comparative-historical and statistical analysis were used. Three main stages of the development of the system of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students have been identified: 1) the 1950s -1970s - a period of intensive development of the system of training specialists from developing countries, characterized by a paternalistic approach; 2) the 1980s - early 2000s - a transitional period marked by a gradual rethinking of the goals and methods of adaptation work; 3) from the mid-2000s to the present - a modern stage, focused on the implementation of a competence-based approach and the principles of multicultural education. It has been established that throughout history, pedagogical support has been a significant factor in the successful socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in Russia. At the same time, the content and methods of adaptation work have changed significantly. This resulted in a gradual transition from directive methods to personality-oriented ones, taking into account the ethnopsychological and individual characteristics of students. The increasing role of intercultural interaction and tolerance education is noted. The revealed trends reflect the general humanization of education and the internationalization of higher education in Russia. The results of the study can be used to further improve the system of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students.


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How to Cite

Башеров ОИ, Санникова ОА, Терёшина ВЮ, Сведенцова ИН. The history of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of the university. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-1):79-88. Available from:




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