Methods of increasing competitiveness in the IT business: educational aspects


  • Anton G. Dmitriev Synergy University
  • Alexei Y. Pribylov Synergy University



сompetitiveness, IT business, staff retraining, professional development, investments in education, financial indicators, profitability, market share


The global information technology market is actively developing and transforming under the influence of digitalization. IT companies are faced with the need to respond quickly to changes in technology and customer needs, which requires constant improvement of staff skills. At the same time, the requirements for the competencies of employees are growing, who must possess not only technical, but also soft skills. Employees who do not have a sufficient level of knowledge and experience are not able to ensure the competitive advantage of the company and its sustainable development in the market. In this scientific paper, an attempt is made to consider a methodology for improving the competitiveness of information technology companies based on educational aspects. The impact of investments in professional retraining and advanced training of employees on market share, profitability and business sustainability is investigated. The analysis of data on the expenses of leading IT companies for personnel training over the past 5 years and their financial indicators is presented. The relationship between the volume of investments in education and profitability is demonstrated. A methodology for calculating the optimal training budget is proposed, taking into account the industry characteristics and goals of the company.


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How to Cite

Дмитриев АГ, Прибылов АЮ. Methods of increasing competitiveness in the IT business: educational aspects. УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(1-2):117-23. Available from:




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