Syncretic model of health improvement for children and adults using the «singing walking» technique


  • Mikhail L. Lazarev The Institute of Childhood of the Moscow Pedagogical State University



singing walking, vocal-thalasso-aerobics, musical psychoregulation of breathing, improvement of the body, syncretic model


The article describes the wellness technology «singing walking», developed in Crimea in 2022. The healing method is suitable for both children from 10 years old and adults up to 65 years old and older. The technology can be used by both healthy people and people undergoing rehabilitation after diseases. It is based on the method of musical psychoregulation of breathing, developed by the author more than 35 years ago for the improvement of children with respiratory pathology. The technology also uses elements of musical aerobics, vocalotherapy, marine exercise, joint and respiratory gymnastics, psychological and speech therapy training used while walking with sticks (elements of Scandinavian walking) on sand and water's edge along the sea strip, with simultaneous exposure to marine environmental factors (sun, air, water, sand). Taking into account the performance of the technology at a fairly high pace (120 steps per minute) and its duration (20 minutes, 2,400 steps – more than 1,500 meters), as well as the use of singing, it is called vocal-thalasso-aerobics. The basic difference between the «singing walking» technology from the current and widely known «Scandinavian walking» technology is that its central wellness factor is not movement with sticks, but voiced breathing («singing breathing»), performed in motion in nature, using additional simulators (sticks, breathing corset, musical equipment). The technology can be implemented both at a seaside resort in sanatoriums, rehabilitation centers, medical prevention centers and rest homes, and in urban settings; both under the guidance of specialists (doctors and physical therapy instructors, teachers) and independently.


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How to Cite

Lazarev ML. Syncretic model of health improvement for children and adults using the «singing walking» technique. УО [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];14(1-2):46-55. Available from:




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