Features of the development of women's prose in English-language literature


  • Aset K. Muradova Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Khava A. Gazimaeva Chechen State University named after. A.A. Kadyrov




women's prose, genre development, English-language literature, gender aspects, national literary traditions


This article examines the features of the development of women's prose in the countries of the English-speaking world over several centuries. The author analyzes the stages of formation and development of the genre, highlighting key periods and trends that had a significant impact on the formation of national literary traditions. When studying the materials, hundreds of works by various authors were analyzed, from the Middle Ages to the present. Data on the popularity and demand of books was obtained by studying sales statistics, reviews from critics and opinions of the readership. An analysis of scientific research in the field of gender aspects of literature was also carried out. The results obtained indicate a gradual expansion of the thematic and stylistic range of works by female authors, as well as the integration of their work into the cultural space of foreign countries. The study of the genre of women's prose allows us to make several more important theoretical generalizations. Thus, one cannot fail to note the creative role of competition between authors in stimulating the search for new forms and methods of expression. Constant competition for the attention of the readership encouraged writers to experiment creatively, expanding the thematic and stylistic boundaries of the genre.


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How to Cite

Мурадова АК, Газимаева ХА. Features of the development of women’s prose in English-language literature. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(12-2):58-65. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1200




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